Your Skin Is Beautiful Because It's Black
This article explores ways of combating structural racism, social colorism and the resulting racial financial inequality in Fiji and other post-colonial countries. This writing developed from conversations from several Youth Community Empowerment Volunteers in Fiji who were hearing their students and local friends say to them, "Your skin is white. It is beautiful. But mine is black. It's not nice." There is an obvious divide along racial lines in this and many other countries and addressing it directly is an act of empowerment. You: “Yadra!” (Morning!) Your iTaukei friend: “Yadra! Iko moce vinaka?” (Morning! Did you sleep well?) You: “Io. Iko?” (Yes. You?) Your iTaukei friend: “Io. Iko rairai vinaka!” (Yes. You look nice.) You: “Vinaka! Iko rairai vinaka talega!” (Thanks! You look nice too.) Your friend might be wearing the same worn sulu that she had on yesterday, but still you say it back. That’s what is done. If someone asks about you, then you ask about t...